Reclining Couple
Thread on paper on canvas
Purple Silhouette
Thread and gouache on fabric
Thread and gouache on fabric on paper
Vase Silhouett
Thread and gouache on paper on fabric
Masked Woman
Thread and gouache on handmade paper
Thread and gouache on handmade paper
Bow and Arrow Polka Dots
Thread and gouache on handmade paper
Thread and gouache on handmade paper
- Bow and Arrow Polka Dots (Black)
- Thread and gouache on handmade paper
Bow and Arrow with stripes
Thread and gouache on handmade paper
Ladies Room
Thread on handmade paper
Chest Measurement (mama and daughter)
Thread on canvas
Smoking Man in Undies
Thread on canvas
Big Belly Man
Thread on canvas
Gouache on vellum
Smoking Man in Undies
Thread on canvas
Kissing Couple
Thread on canvas